Stop Overthinking, Just Create!

“And give yourself permission to throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.”

Or in other words, ‘give yourself permission to try new things and see what sticks.’

This was the advice my friend gave me. And as odd as the phrase sounded, I knew she was right, and perhaps, there might just be something to her secret sauce of advice, as it removes the pressure of needing everything to be perfect, and it gives yourself permission to freely create and see what happens.

Friend, I know you have big dreams, too. And you have envisioned where you’d like to be in your creative process. But, you get overwhelmed, then don’t know how to get to that dream, and end up stuck or confused on the next step.

But, what if the simple key to getting unstuck and moving forward is to give yourself permission to just create—whether the outcome is pretty, ugly, or pretty ugly. It doesn’t matter. You’re figuring out what works and what doesn’t work for you.

This is the process of confronting and overcoming fears and releasing your art into the world—whether you’re a writer, painter, poet, etc. That’s the beauty of creating—we don’t have to confine or put limitations on ourselves before ever getting started.

I know it can be scary to ‘throw spaghetti at the wall,’ because it may seem like a messy process to a perfectionist at heart, but it’s even scarier to think of the ‘what ifs’ and never move forward in your creative process and toward those dreams.

So, what would the first step look like for you to start creating?

What would you share with others?

How can you steward small steps that lead to that big creative dream—right here, right now?


Living Simultaneously


Changing the Narrative on Failure