Singing A New Song 

He has a song he’s singing over you,

and you have a song to sing back to him.

The Holy Spirit whispered these words to me, and I have been pondering them for about a week now. So, I wanted to invite you in on a Holy Spirit adventure of how the Lord unraveled it all the more, but also encourage your heart, too.

While passing under the Mockingbird Lane bridge, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “You’re a mockingbird.” I didn’t think much about it, and I just kind of filed it away as I was driving.

And, even though I had heard those words spoken to me, I was in the midst of questioning whether or not I was hearing the Lord clearly this season or if I had missed him in some areas of my life. Honestly, I’ve been too focused on the bigger picture of things—rather than leaning into the Father’s heart and delighting in him in the small, quiet moments of my day.

Then, that night, I had a dream where someone was praying and prophesying over me, and the only words I could remember them saying were, “You’re a mockingbird.”

There it was again…

Those words.

I knew he was trying to get my attention, so I needed to listen to what he had to say about it. In the dream, I knew the mockingbird was symbolic for something the Lord wanted to reveal about identity. So, I did a little research about mockingbirds to see what their characteristics are. I found that mockingbirds are widely known for their singing abilities, where they can memorize—or sing—up to 200 songs. They can also incorporate sounds from other birds and animals into their songs.

This is where the phrase, “He has a song he’s singing over you, and you have a song to sing back to him,” began to make sense.

I began to think about how mockingbirds are always listening and taking in the beauty of creation around them, and then singing it back to the creator. And, if a mockingbird was created to do this, how much more should we be ministering to God and others through a song only we could sing?

We all have a song to sing—it’s not just for the musically gifted.

Our history with the Lord, as well as our current circumstance, have produced a song within us that only we could sing—just like a mockingbird. And if we don’t sing it, then others will never hear the beauty and depth of the song we carry in our hearts.

This past week, I got to sit across from many dear friends of mine, and hear the songs they were signing. They didn’t know they were ‘singing,’ but I could hear—and see—how beautifully they were hearing what the Lord was singing over them and how they were singing it back to him. It was an honor to listen to their song, and see how the Lord is still writing the verses to their song.

Each song was unique. I got to hear songs that had been, or are being, forged on the mountain tops and valleys, and in the dark nights and bright mornings. No matter the tune of the song, each one ministered to my heart.

So, my final encouragement to you is: Don’t be afraid to sing the song the Lord has put on your heart. Someone needs to hear it.


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